The method known as "Hackintosh" allows you to run macOS in a typical computer, without necessarily having a Mac. Someone might wonder, why spend time trying to make Windows look like Mac, when one can (theoretically) install the macOS on the computer instead?

Instead, we will only get involved with Windows, and see how we can give it a Mac appearance. In this guide we will not go through the properties and features of macOS Sierra or deal with Mac at all. In fact, the default desktop background of the new OS depicts Lone Pine Peak mountain of this mountain range.

MacOS Sierra is the successor of OS X El Capitan, and got its name from the Sierra Nevada ountain range in California. It is the first OS that bears the new "macOS" name instead of the "Mac OS X" that we were used to. The latest version of Apple's operating system was released only half a year ago, in September 2016, and is named macOS Sierra. If you like the Mac look, but you prefer (or afford) Windows, here is how you can make the Microsoft OS have a Mac OS appearance by making the appropriate configurations. MacOS Sierra is the latest Apple OS, and its developers undoubtedly did a great job with its design.